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klassi // User Search
klassi // User SearchMarketing research(sort of)Oct 22, 1998, 11:49pm
Good question, with over 300 worlds I don't think you will get a specific
answer, some like to just chat, others chat and build sometimes, many explore just for fun or for new ideas. If you visit the worlds with the highest number of people in and then combine then into one world, you would have what most want. Me personally.. I like choice, so my ideal world doesn't and cannot exist as a single entity. Klassi [View Quote] > i dont know why anyone hasnt ever asked the general people what kind of > world they want. I am asking that question now. What do you want in a > world. I am interested in seeing what is popular and maybe making it a > reality. > > Jw ejection bug in xelagotApr 2, 2000, 3:47am
[View Quote]
Not a bad bug :) By the way, any reason why you are using revisions to the sixth decimal place?. Klassi Offline buildingSep 18, 1998, 11:47pm
I have only been using AW for a few weeks and have often built stuff offline to
see what it looks like and just to practice, obviously it vanishes... <sulk>. Just wondered if you had your own world and objects if building offline would be possible as you wouldn't be drawing the images from the AW servers. Oh well maybe one day.. [View Quote] > Something I would like to see, and what would save a lot of money, is a way > to offline build things, and then, when online, "paste" them in a world. > > Offline buildingNov 6, 1998, 2:12am
Just saw this, I have both those plus the other two by the same people. I find
building easy if I plan it all out first but then it isn't much fun.. When I don't plan it out I normally end up deleting it, I can visualize what I want but don't know the objects/animations well enough to create it. Klassi [View Quote] > Viscape lets you build offline. (or is that suprescape, or are they both > the same, anybody?) > > klassi <klassi at> wrote in article > <36030D47.23E207E2 at>... > offline to > <sulk>. > would be > way > world. Virtual DeathOct 10, 1998, 5:50pm
LOL.... I bet it doesn't happen much in the UK with call time being
billed by the minute... Disconnected seems a good idea, a few times I have started chatting and received no response. Klassi [View Quote] > Spending too much time idle should result in a person's avatar > collapsing and dying and being diconnected. A good way to deal with > unresponsive idlers. > > Nas A NEEDED FEATURE! pardon my yellingOct 10, 1998, 5:44pm
Thought such an option existed on some web sites, it isn't automatic but
you can add your buildings location/s into it, has a search my citizen name feature.. It works for me , using it I have found some great sites. Klassi [View Quote] > I think that what we need is an option that shows all locations we've built > in. All sites more than 20 cells apart are shown. Now that > houses in 1.0...etc. can all be found! And I'm > the guy who wrote about language filters, in case you were wondering. And > anyone who chooses against this: > > :b :P :( 8( Virtual VirusOct 10, 1998, 5:41pm
[View Quote]
> I was just thinking to add even more reality to activeworlds, why isn't
> a program introduced that would release a certain amount virtual virus > into the population? Not a bad idea!. A commercial Multi User Game that I played in and part controlled introduced things like the Plague, Cancer etc etc., yes it was more realistic, but I know people that have died from things like cancer so it became a constant reminder to me. Just my opinion but I think AW can do without diseases. Klassi TouristsOct 10, 1998, 6:12pm
I wish it was only possible for a Tourist to delete their own buildings,
e.g. they could be allocated some sort of number. I have seen weeks of work wiped out for what many tourists consider to be 'FUN'.. Last night was the worst as the tourists work that was being deleted is now a citizen..So he stood by and watched his work vanish. Obviously registered citizens could wipe out any tourists work but from what I have observed most registered citizens don't get a kick out of deleting things for 'FUN'. Klassi TouristsOct 10, 1998, 8:53pm
The Tourist I was talking about had become a citizen, probably due to getting a
kick out of creating something as a tourist, so answer me one question. The so called whining tourists are the citizens of the future, doesn't it make sense to have a system to help them out a little too encourage them to fork out $20 or adopt a 'stuff 'em' attitude because after all they are second class citizens.. :-).. Making people happy is good for business and that can only be good for everyone. Klassi [View Quote] > Is it too expensive to pay $20 to preserve those weeks of work? The benefits > of registration are clearly stated in the signs at ground zero. Its always > risky to build as a tourist. Still many of them keep whining about their > rights after their work gets wiped out. > > Process > [View Quote] Novices/private worldsOct 15, 1998, 9:03pm
I wish that Novices didn't have access to the 'RATING' under general
options until they registered, they should be allowed the lowest rating only. Reasons.. Some 8,9 or 10 year old simply clicks on X, not what I call a good protection system!..When registering a payment method is needed which means an adult is involved and as such is allowing his child to use the AW software. Also.. World Owners could ban novices in non private worlds by simply raising the 'Rating'...which gives the novices yet another reason to register and world owners the option to ban them. Comments.. Klassi Novices/private worldsOct 15, 1998, 11:42pm
Need you really ask... Ok so tourists can only enter non X rated worlds, that would give world owners the option to ban them when they wanted simply by changing the worlds rating. Why have a rating system in place if a 10 year old can simply select X at will. Klassi [View Quote] > AlphaWorld is PG - are you suggesting we ban tourists from AW too? And > after PG is R, and I don't think one can rate AlphaWorld R very well :) > [View Quote] Novices/private worldsOct 15, 1998, 11:55pm
No offense taken Mike,
The whole point is to give world owners the option to have the control over tourists entering their worlds, at the moment it is a select 40 odd private group or everybody. As most world owners know tourists can do and say what they like and it is virtually impossible to keep track of them, ok so a PK my get an IP address but many are pool addresses. Personally I have nothing against tourists having been one myself :-) but at times I would like the option to just have invited friends in my world, at the moment as it slowly takes shape I am not that bothered. So summing up I don't want to close my world, I would rather control it and the X Rating which isn't really used for much seems an ideal way. Klassi [View Quote] > No offense klassi, i see what you mean about it being easy, but i have never > seen an X - rated world, if there is any they are probably private. > > Raptor > REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!! [View Quote] Novices/private worldsOct 16, 1998, 8:10pm
X rating my world, hmmm.. Well they wouldn't know it was X rated, so I doubt it
would attract people looking for X rated stuff/chat etc. I bet most select the X rating anyway :-)).. Klassi [View Quote] [View Quote] Novices/private worldsOct 16, 1998, 8:15pm
Yep I know, that was my point to make it so tourists cannot enter X rated world
as certain tourists can be 9 or 10 years old, so it would be a small world crowd control method as well as a 'Child' protection from adult material check....Most know that 10 year olds often teach their parents how to operate computers, even worse when they are 13/14 pretending to be 18/19 and chatting up/to people of that same age.. Klassi [View Quote] > The X means that X rated activity's are going on in that world. Not that > tourists aren't allowed. A better way would be a checkbox for a worldowner: > "Allow tourists (y/n)" or something alike. The rating system is not meant as > an absolute protection, just to help people who don't want to get in a world > above a certain rating. However, I don't think that a "you can't enter this > world, no tourists allowed" sounds very friendly to tourists. > [View Quote] Novices/private worldsOct 17, 1998, 5:26pm
Agreed they can be 9 or 10 years old BUT who registered for them, normally an
adult who by doing so is now obligated to censor and regulate their childs usage of AW. Klassi [View Quote] > Registered users can be 9 or 10 years old also. > [View Quote] Tourists/World OwnersOct 16, 1998, 12:16am
Now where did I get 'Novices' from, old habits helping run a commercial
multi user game for 5 years, anyway.. A slightly changed WISH, non registered people when they register get certain extras, many AVs, telegrams, buildings that should stay put and soon file to file transfer.. I WISH that they also got an enabled X rating as an incentive as this would give world owners the option of controlling tourists via that means. Obviously I would prefer a ban list so typing 0, would stop tourists entering, by ban I dont mean forever, maybe just a few hours. AlphaWorld and other larger world's dont normally have a problem coping with the numbers.... Just a wish.. Klassi Ps while wishing I want colored text :-)) and an on/off switch for bold black text, without changing PS, PK, ED options back and forth. Tourists/World OwnersOct 16, 1998, 2:36am
Well I don't like that idea :-( Stopping them entering at special times is
what I am after, being ejected after entering hmmm not good, can't ask a bot why. Still I guess many may want something like that. Klassi [View Quote] > I'm gonna work on a bot that ejects turists form the world :) [View Quote] Tourists/World OwnersOct 16, 1998, 8:17pm
Yes that would work, guess as viable options go, yours so far is the most
practical and fairly easy to implement.. Klassi [View Quote] > You just turn the bot on when you don't want em around :) [View Quote] Tourists/World OwnersOct 16, 1998, 8:33pm
Yes, that seems a nicer way to say, "Go Away"..
Klassi [View Quote] > You could program the bot to say why though: example: > > Bot: Sorry <Touristname>, Tourist are not currently allowed in <worldname> > because <this_reason>. Sorry to have to eject you, but please come back > again <when_you_specify>. > > Paul > [View Quote] Properties boxOct 16, 1998, 8:39pm
I wish that you could draw a line around a whole building and teleport it to
another location using duplicate and/or relocate... [View Quote] > I wish that when you select multiple objects, you can change the action and > description and even the object. It would come in handy for major > renovation projects and so on. But maybe im just being whiny =). > > Raptor > REINSTATE PROTAGONIST!!!!!! Properties boxOct 17, 1998, 5:20pm
Well at least they have one, could be worse :-))..
Klassi [View Quote] > yea you are worng! THAT CoF programmer 8-) > > cheese > > -- > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > Check out my homepage, it is chocked full of awesome graphics! > > Maybe check out my town in AW! > AW- 10000N 500W > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Offline World Kind ofOct 17, 1998, 9:10pm
Sounds like a great idea to me, if the off-line world was limited to an SP8
40.000sq size, which gives around 34 7x7 building areas separated by paths/roads. Objects could be held on a CD rom. Swap a world, could do that now but who wants to as they are usually customized to the world owners tastes. Most of what you wish is possible now, with server software and objects it seems very simple to run a world offline but then that world becomes a non interactive (people wise), Sim City type place. Plus :-) At the moment there are sometimes more worlds available than users, with you wish introduced I could see a time in the near future when virtually everyone had their own world, worlds would be appearing and vanishing as fast as citizens. Slow gradual world expansion would be gone, brand new fully built worlds would spring up daily.. Erm so what would COF be doing as you could easily go solo.. Still I like the concept.... Klassi [View Quote] > I think there should be something like an off-line world. It would be a > unlimitedly big world and to get started you would need to download the > entire object path of your choice (Ya I know it would be huge). You could > build and such in it but ONLY you could enter it. Then, if you chose to > purchase an actual world you could transfer that world you built off-line to > the online world. Something else that could be interesting is the ability to > 'trade' worlds. You could send the world you built off-line to a friend and > they could go in to it. But it could only be 1 person at a time no matter > what.....What do you think? > > -- > > Jason Fox > Dragoncave at Offline World Kind ofOct 18, 1998, 8:05pm
No answer to that really.....It seems that many things seem simple and after
awhile they end up more complex than the service they were intended to enhance, like AI (neural network) type programs to filter out and detect bad language..... Klassi [View Quote] > And if you take this idea, plus the ability to have the ppl on the same > intranet network as you are on in your world, you have a $2000-$10000 > galaxerver. :-) > [View Quote] Protect our objects directories with passwordOct 22, 1998, 11:53pm
I may be wrong but I thought that Xoom didn't allow password protected
sites, think I saw it in their conditions of use.. Klassi [View Quote] > Not if the server wont allow this feature (xoom, angelfire ect...) > [View Quote] Marketing research(sort of)Oct 22, 1998, 11:49pm
Good question, with over 300 worlds I don't think you will get a specific
answer, some like to just chat, others chat and build sometimes, many explore just for fun or for new ideas. If you visit the worlds with the highest number of people in and then combine then into one world, you would have what most want. Me personally.. I like choice, so my ideal world doesn't and cannot exist as a single entity. Klassi [View Quote] > i dont know why anyone hasnt ever asked the general people what kind of > world they want. I am asking that question now. What do you want in a > world. I am interested in seeing what is popular and maybe making it a > reality. > > Jw AW Prime refurbishNov 1, 1998, 7:20pm
AW Prime gz looks bad, not really a good advertisement is it.
A quote from a nameless PK, 'Next to AW gate Alpha World prime is the showcase of Active Worlds and it looks like a rundown remnant of a vr renaissance era, makes all true site artists look bad.' Think that sums it all up really, Klassi AW Prime refurbishNov 6, 1998, 2:03am
lol.. Well maybe it does but better than bad still isn't good.. Alpha World
Prime hosts the most people and it's gz should be as good as possible, but it is old and outdated. It needs slight changes every few months, just like a shop window!. To keep interest things must look interesting and continually change or they stagnate and people get bored with them. Klassi. [View Quote] > Some people on the America worlds think it looks better than their own > ground zero, if this site about their 1999 reunion is anything to go by! > > > > Scented Nectar > [View Quote] #1 on my wishlistNov 2, 1998, 6:40pm
I wouldn't bother wishing for that, I would go get it, you can't
possibly have tried hard to get it or you would have it. Klassi [View Quote] > I wish that COF would give me the citizenship that I payed for The world is not interactive enough.Nov 8, 1998, 7:02pm
To a certain point more interaction could be introduced as an option rather
than something everyone has to live with. Many poor old humble PCs and servers cannot cope with anything else yet..... As this is the wish area put me down for a gun :-).. Nearly had one coded on a MUD I helped run, it would have been funny shooting someone in a world with a medieval setting.. Klassi [View Quote] > The world is not interactive enough. Objects need to interact. We need > different lighting effects. Make it to at night you will need some form > of light to see. We should drive cars instead of walking. Or for long > distance we should fly. Gravity should effect buildings. There needs to > be police and firefighters. Incase a fire gets your house. But have a > way to redo what was burnt. We hospitals for when you fall off a house. > Stuff like this. Also we need money. So we jsut cant build anything > anywhere. We should have to use money and buy stuff for a house. Then > you will get a job to make money and stuff like that. I hope you > understand me. |