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Don't Look Now! It's...

Jun 11, 2002, 12:09am
[View Quote] <snip>

Now you know who on the NG's has a lot of time on their hands. 8^)
Actually, I found it entertaining. Can't wait to see the feedback.


[AWNews] From Bad to Worse

Aug 27, 2002, 8:13pm
[View Quote] How I do it....

I'll probably read a couple or so bodies worth of headers of a new thread up
to the point where it goes into another dimension..
The newsgroups as I see it... exaggerated of course and not even close to
actual statistics is.
5% actual interesting or informative content
3% actual interesting or informative replies
92% useless bashing, correcting and most likely wasted band width by those
doing the bashing and correcting.

When done I press Ctrl + a, Right click, then click on the Mark as read..

Hey Goob,
I do believe you meant to say Sadist and not masochistic. Either way, I
guess you'd be right. ;)
Anyway, Good luck at getting to your AWNews goal.

This post is actually part of the fictitious 92% except the part where I say
good luck to Goobs.

*In his best Forest Gump impersonation.* "And that's all I have to say
about that."


The Video4 is out!

Sep 27, 2002, 11:23pm

I really could care less about the English, how it was used and who's
way is proper since your not in any competition. ;)
All I know is... It took a lot of time and effort to do that kind of
work, and for that I thank you for sharing it with me. You should be proud
of yourself for doing something on your own and feeling good enough about it
to release it to the public for free. Very impressive.


[View Quote]

The Video4 is out!

Sep 28, 2002, 12:54pm
*think about it?*
Laughing ...
Stop it. It hurts. LOL
I was surprised you didn't correct the word English.
It would have been more appropriate to say grammar.
Ok, I thought about it. Can I go home now?


[View Quote]

Shame on the Cy Core/Committee...

Oct 28, 2002, 8:40pm
Dear linn,
IMO: I don't believe you linn.
I think you took this opportunity to say something sarcastic to AlphaBit
Have a good day.


[View Quote]

i found out why

Jan 6, 2003, 9:08pm
I have read down the list of replies, Styki, and I must agree with the
content of the replies. You are merely trying to rake up muck and I don't
think there is any. I know that you do/did have a difference of opinion with
Anne yourself for reasons that are between Anne, TC and yourself.
Personally, I must favor the decisions made by them. I pretty much know the
details and why things turned out the way that they have. I don't recall
anyone attacking you directly or indirectly in the public eye, as you are,
in my opinion, trying to do here. I'm truely sorry that you feel you have
to justify yourself when nobody has said anything publically against you.
(That I know of.)
Sometimes you just have to let that water pass under the bridge. I
understand your frustration but your reactions here truely concern me. ;)
I have stated my concerns and my opinions and hope I haven't offended you in
doing so, for this wasn't my intent. I'm cool, your cool.. things are
cool.. :)

Peace and Happy New Year to you.


[View Quote]


May 11, 2003, 2:53pm
Calling my mom now. :)


Jun 12, 2003, 7:59pm
What I don't understand is. Many of you have already made your
statements to The Lady to stop, leave, get a life or whatever and yet you
keep replying / reading her threads in hope to find something that you can
actually understand/agree with? I don't understand why you even make
replies to her if you want her to stop. Virtual Ping Pong in the NG's. LOL
Actually.. In my reality.. She is the manipulator.. She has you right where
she wants you and loves the attention, Negative or otherwise, and you keep
feeding her exactly what she so desires. So actually, she's smarter than
you think.
Oh, and of course, this is the opinions of the Bits. Wannabe Psycho?
oops.. Psychologist? LOL Anyway.. I read some of the threads until I get
bored of what I am reading and then simply right click on the group and
press catch up.
I just wanted to share what I see whether I'm right or wrong doesn't
matter.. Just food for thought I guess. Anywho, peace all!
*Sits back, sips on his soda and presses Send.

[View Quote]


Jun 13, 2003, 6:05pm
Yup, they start as something fun and simple.. Then a few club members don't
like what other club members are doing. It becomes Political. The voting
process starts. The President of the club gets booted out. The name
calling, slander begins to boil over. The club divides. Lawyers get
called.. etc.. etc.. so on... Yup.. it's a mess. LOL

Is AW a club? (Carolann) this is retorical. ;)

You guessed it.. I'm just reading the NG's cause I had a few minutes to kill
and wanted to get a couple chuckles.

[View Quote]

CyAward Discussion

May 23, 2004, 11:22pm
Win or lose..
Another point to be made is that there are great creations in via the
ActiveWorlds program. Just being nominated gives a person some kind of
acknowledgement to what they have to offer or has offered in the CommunitY
to many other people that had no idea a particular person or creation or
whatever even existed. This is one reason why nominating yourself for
something that the CommunitY might enjoy is welcomed. ( I heard someone
complain that it doesn't seem right to nominate oneself, so this sounded
like a good answer for that. )
As far as Popularity is concerned.. Yes, this has always been a downfall
in many Polls or Voting processes. Remember the President going out and
kissing babies or promising things he can't really deliver? It's nice to be
Popular and being voted in for that popularity, but some of us just like to
give to the CommunitY and enjoy doing so and sometimes are recognized for
it. Sometimes just a little positive feedback is also very rewarding in
itself even if you didn't win. ( I feel this way myself. ) ;)
We who care and we who look for the positive in others and in ourselves,
will always be winners no matter what the turnout is.


[View Quote]


Sep 25, 2004, 12:58am
Nah, Vera is wrong.. Your Bit, I'm Bits. ;)

[View Quote]

Which Movie........

Nov 11, 2004, 9:52pm
Would it be.. ummmmmmm.. hmmm..
Honey.. sounds like something a Pooh bear would bring..
Is it..
A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving?

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Which movie......

Nov 11, 2004, 10:16pm
Chevy Chase
Need I say more? ;)

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Which movie......

Nov 11, 2004, 11:10pm
That's correct..
But if I had said "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" starring Chevy
Chase as Clark.
Would that be correct?
So pffft right back! LOL
Ok, I won't play anymore.. I'll let someone else have a turn. ;)

[View Quote]

It's been an honor and a priviledge..

Mar 13, 2005, 3:22am
... working with Bit.

I was going to give a long speech on this whole thing, but then thought..
Alphabit Phalpha nor anyone else has compensated me for anything and you
know why?
It's because I did it out of the kindness of my heart for everyone else, and
expected nothing in return, that's why.
Oh wait.. I lied... I was compensated with kindness and encouragement and
respect from Bev and others.
The mature people already understand and the ones that can't understand,
probably never will.
If they do finally understand, then thank you for that.

I will clear something up and Imagine kind of mentioned it.
(No, Bit did not own the CY's), no one person could claim that.
I can say however, that she has asked for the responsibility and it was
handed to her by AWI and she did a fantastic job!
I then will say, IMHO, she well earned the title and as a token of
appreciation, it would be mature of us to let this link remain and remember
the good times and the real meaning behind it and what she has done.

And for those that feel that they have been short changed. Maybe you should
think on a higher plane.

For example:
I don't feel I need any award to get recognition on something. If I can look
at what I have done and I like it and at least one other person can say they
like it.. I then feel I have been awarded enough. ;)

Ok ok.. I said no long speeches.. so I will end with this..

I applaud you Bev!
May you find peace and happiness in your future ventures in RL.


PS: Nothing ever changes if nothing ever changes. (Think about it?)

what's up with this?

May 24, 2005, 9:04pm
You might want to examine that last line a little more.
You slightly misspelled one word that made you a victim.
Look at the word expensive and how you put that one extra i in there. It
kind of creates a watched for word.
Obviously the Customs Aide has a problem with distinguishing typo's or
sentence meaning. ;)

Hope that solves your mystery. :)

[View Quote]

Weird Tgrams

Aug 2, 2006, 9:54pm
Telegram from *****, sent Wed Aug 2, 2006 3:42 PM:
I cant believe u posted like that to me Taurus I know u r bit. I
thought we were friends but I see now u r not a friend

I tried to reply via tgram and was blocked so I thought this was a
good place to put this so I can make sure you know who I am. ;)

I could have emailed you, but I don't think I should add you to my
email list, especially now. :(

I have no clue who Taurus is but somehow thought it had something to
do with the newsgroups because of the word "posted". :)


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