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Citizenship Resolved (something new!)

Jul 9, 2006, 11:52pm
whats up with all that..crazy aw! and that ice dude needs to change his url

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last ntie

Jul 6, 2006, 7:06pm
in the middle of the nite last nite i was parked in my house near AW GZ
with a friend. i also had a bot on near gz but not very close like 24
east i think. any ways the loser crisspeg with his privileges of #1
decided to teleport me all over aw, i ended up -1000 meters down at the
edge of the world. and my friend i was with was sent to a inappropriate
site in aw with sexual references in french. this was an aw worker who
did this. it is wrong for aw to mess with ppls accounts this way. I
wonder if anyone else has had problems with this person crisspeg. I
find him to be very immature and he cant be trusted. There is nothing i
can do about this or aw wont do anything so i just wanted ppl here to
know what happened. the only real proof of this is that i was
teleported and criss peg with his x1 bot and there privilege # 1 was
turned on.
well thanks for listening

last ntie

Jul 6, 2006, 7:24pm
well its the crispeg or whoever who comes to aw and has priv. #1 turned on

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last ntie

Jul 6, 2006, 7:26pm
almost 100% sure. he was there with his bot, if he wants to clear his
name since he works for aw maybe he can look into who did that if it
wasn't him and i will apologize

[View Quote] > How do you know who it was?

last ntie

Jul 6, 2006, 7:37pm
well could someone please explain to me how ones cit in AW world can be
automatically teleportd around aw against there will?

last ntie

Jul 6, 2006, 7:41pm
chrispeg, you warned me to remove my bot from and i did that. u said
last warning, and i removed my bot and it hasnt been back on. ok so why
is my bot now banned from aw at all?

[View Quote] > Duskbat's hidden bot at Alphaworld GZ has been blocked to enter the world now.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> Activeworlds Inc.
> 95 Parker Street
> Newburyport, MA 01950
> Telephone: (978) 499-0222
> Facsimile: (978) 499-0221

last ntie

Jul 6, 2006, 10:11pm
now my friends bot is banned to.. my friend didnt do a thing either and
didnt have a bot in aw for many days or she never ever had a bot at GZ.
something strange is going on. i also talked to others who said chris
peg would show up outta the blue where they are and one friend said he
teleported his bot 500 meters in the air.

last ntie

Jul 7, 2006, 12:25am
well, i have never talked to chrisspeg before except once at gz a while
ago when he was messing with floods at GZ or something like that and he
seemed kinda alright. i really didnt know he worked for aw untill
recently. i dont even have him on my contact list or ever have. Now
today i tried to add him to my list and he wont let me talk to him at
all to sort this out and with a phone call to AWI they said that no one
there can really do anything but look into it. thats what they always
say. Maybe he was playing a funny trick on us as he was the only one
around when we got teleported all over aw and i didnt take it as being
funny . maybe i am wrong about the whole thing, I bring up this issue
here because no one communicates to me about this. Chriss asked me to
remove my bot from GZ and i did that. then one hour later he banned my
bot. withen that hour after i turned my bot off after a warning it
wasnt back at GZ. so way after the fact it got banned as well as my
friends bot getting banned for no reason. Chrispeg do you care to add
to this?
how come you wont talk to me about the teleporting and the bot? now the
only reason i would see chrispeg having a problem with me is that i am
very good friends with Heretik ( now banned for good by chris). and
Heretik was at one time good friends with this woman who is now
chrisspegs VR lover, Heretik had a fallout with this person and chris
got involved with her and maybe due to his jelousy he is upset and
heretik is gone and i am here, still good freinds with HEretik. it is
possible that he is outlashing at me because of that. i dont know.
anyways i wish this to be settled and the misunderstanding to be
cleared up. blah!!! its pizza time!

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last ntie

Jul 7, 2006, 2:07am
thank you Chrispeg for giving me and my friend our bots back :) i will
be more carefull where my bot ventures. is nice. and sorry for being
mean and heated in my posts and sorry for the other cits who had to
read all this. I must say tho i am still upset why we were teleported
all over aw and i dont know why or who did it. maybe Chris u can help
look into it for us , or tell us what had happened for us to be ported
all over the place :))) thanks

Blank Telegrams

Jul 9, 2006, 1:29pm
well i noticed that i only get blank grams from 2 ppl, when we are
grammin back and forth, and its like every 3rd gram is a blank. everyone
else has normal grams : ) FIX IT!! lol

OT: Omg .. video

Jul 11, 2006, 12:19am
Oh wow. well if this works for ya i thought its worth sharing. i
havnt seen anything like this before

there might be a lil commericial for a car dealer then the main video
starts after that ;)

is aw down?

Jul 23, 2006, 2:06am
aw is back.. for now

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[AW Reunion 2007] Where To Next?

Jul 26, 2006, 1:06am
AW cruise reunion 7 day sea cruise :))) or atlanta

[View Quote]

[AW Reunion 2007] Where To Next?

Jul 30, 2006, 12:46pm
maybe ppl in cities can get together monthly for a dinner. that would be
nice. anyone in atlanta? we can meet at figos pasta in midtown once a
month http://www.figopasta.com/ or atlantic station.
www.atlanticstation.com something like this can be planned too

[View Quote] > Wait, didn't we just *have* a Reunion?
> That's right, it's time to pick where next year's Reunion will be, and
> this time, *you* get to help pick the destination! We've whittled it
> down to four choices for you to vote on, and we'll pick the most popular
> choice! Your options are:
> Atlanta, GA
> Denver, CO
> Houston, TX
> Rapid City, SD (Mount Rushmore)
> Head on over to http://www.awreunion.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=114 to
> cast your vote! Polls close on August 15th, so make your voice heard soon!
> NOTE: You must be a registered user of the forums to vote, to ensure
> voting integrity.

[AW Reunion 2007] Where To Next?

Jul 30, 2006, 1:20pm
[View Quote]

Who's next to get banned, when is it gonna end?

Jul 27, 2006, 11:37pm
to me i think its one rouge aw employee that aw gave privlages to and
he is the one that bans ppl. when i enquire to aw why someone was banned
the staff at AWI office said its outta there hands. its up to chrispeg
to who gets banned i belive. AW is run as a hobby not like a company as
i see it. I have been banned before but they let me back in. All i
did was let ppl know that a pk was calling my job and reporting me for
useing aw while i was at work

Who's next to get banned, when is it gonna end?

Jul 29, 2006, 2:13am
SW Chris: did you qualify it as an opinion?
chrispeg: I think Duskbat is close to get banned too ROFL
Duskbat: oh yea?
SW Chris: Machiavelli indeed. :X

Chrispeg is atempting to get me to act up now so i get banned. he just
also said the real life name of a banned cit at GZ a total invasion of

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Who's next to get banned, when is it gonna end?

Aug 3, 2006, 1:27am
hey i think this is kinda cool :)

Who's next to get banned, when is it gonna end?

Aug 3, 2006, 6:00am
http://www.digitalspace.com/avatars/book/chaw/awn5c.jpg Hmmm what
avatar what this the girl in green

[View Quote] > Ahhh....Protagonist. Can you imagine what AW would be like today if Ron,
> along with Roland, could have joined and continued as the dev team?????
[View Quote]

Sing a song!

Jul 30, 2006, 12:00am
roll out the barrell man my mom and grandma used to sing that to me
walkin down the beach when i was like 4 years old what memories lol

i like old elvis songs :)

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Sing a song!

Jul 30, 2006, 12:53pm
the turkey is a silly bird his head goes wobble wobble. and all he knows
is just one word thats gobble gobble gobble... :)

ohhhhhhh i had a silly chicken she wouldnt lay an egg, so i poured hot
water all over her legs, and she giggles and giggled all the day and the
poor lil chicken layd a hard boiled egg ;(

Sing a song!

Jul 30, 2006, 1:06pm
hahahaah!, i never looked at it that way ;0

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Sing a song!

Jul 30, 2006, 1:18pm
I’m no kin to the monkey no no no,
The monkey’s no kin to me yeah yeah yeah,
I don’t know much about his ancestors,
But mine didn’t swing from a tree.

It seems so unbelievable,
And yet they say that it’s true,
They’re teaching us about it in school now,
That humans were monkeys once too.

Oooo I’m no kin to the monkey no no no,
The monkey’s no kin to me yeah yeah yeah,
I don’t know much about his ancestors,
But mine didn’t swing from a tree.

Although it’s so ridiculous,
They’re teaching us now that it’s true,
The teachers that came from a monkey,
Would be better off in a zoo.

Oooo I’m no kin to the monkey no no no,
The monkey’s no kin to me yeah yeah yeah,
I don’t know much about his ancestors,
But mine didn’t swing from a tree.

It seems so much more believable,
And surely, surely it’s true,
That God made Man in His image,
No monkey story will do.

Oooo I’m no kin to the monkey no no no,
The monkey’s no kin to me yeah yeah yeah,
I don’t know much about his ancestors,
But mine didn’t swing from a tree,

This monkey business has to go,
Because it just isn’t true,
It’s such a disgrace to the monkey,
A disgrace to the human race too.

Oooo I’m no kin to the monkey no no no,
The monkey’s no kin to me yeah yeah yeah,
I don’t know much about his ancestors,
But mine didn’t swing from a tree,
Mine didn’t swing from a tree,
Mine didn’t swing from a tree.

vr5 :)

Jul 30, 2006, 12:55am
Thanks VR5 world yall put on a great show and party tonite... really
made activeworlds ACTIVE! what fun! amazing fun.. good job!
concert, skate boards, fun, music, and the bus and edge radio lots of
fun! I loveds the light show too

vr5 :)

Jul 30, 2006, 1:17am
nope this is my 1st time exposed to this world and there events ;)) it
was fun and refreshing and a good change ;)

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