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tourist property deletion

Dec 30, 2000, 11:48am
Not only that, all the tourist property slow down the rebuilds that has
happening all the time latley. This is the AW server database rebuilds
whatever they are called these days :) Duskbat

[View Quote] > I know the tourists are going hate me for saying this, but I think the
> tourist property in AW should get wiped every month or something. I'm not
> against tourists though, it's just that when anyone wants to vandalize, they
> usually do it on a tourist name so they won't get caught. I spent hours and
> hours deleting tourist trash sometimes.

New Avatars for AlphaWorld

May 12, 2005, 3:13pm
YES! more alien avatars!! please

tile 5.jpg :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Jan 10, 2002, 5:13pm
Yes Donna this is very bad. Sign1.rwx and a few other things dont show correct
also. Will something be done about this AW?

[View Quote] > I made a memorial for my mom who passed away sept 24th of 01 at 32658.9S
> 9478.2E 1.1a 358 in aw, her memorial is the centerpiece of the city, the
> gazebo was done using tile5 ( a pretty blue texture) with her picture in
> the water at the base.......My mother would have loved it. I went there
> just a bit ago......... it is black and white ugly stripes
> :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( please put back
> the tile 5 i used wheni made it. it is very upsetting to me to see it
> this way. It is unkind to change the texture in my opinion.. you have no
> idea just how upsetting this is to me. I do NOT curse.. but i did when
> i saw this!!!!!! AWER for 4 years please please please put
> the pretty blue tile 5 back
> Donna

Why isn't anyone renewing?

Oct 21, 2002, 11:50pm
I will renew, I have to many builds i would rather not leave and i like to care
take my property.
but it is upsetting to see the numbers in the AW world drop so low. I like to
build and i do it for
me and the community. I just hope that i am not the last one left in aw world.
I do remember
like 2 years ago aw had many active users and builders. Lets home the company
that own this
program can think of something to get ppl to stay and to get new ppl interested
in the community.
I guess for ppl who just chat at Gz its expensive. but for me, an explorer and
builder its worth
the small price, well kinda small price. Is anyone still building in aw? or
do yall feel its just a
chat world now.
Duskbat :))

[View Quote] > Hmmmmmmmm.......let's see...... here in the states that would be a choice
> of $70 or a month's worth of groceries.... or perhaps in my case money that
> might have been spent while on vacation with my family... or perhaps money
> that might go towards my little girl's summer activities.... or perhaps
> paying one month's electric bill... or maybe go towards a couple of month's
> worth of Isp connection .... etc ;-"/
[View Quote]


Mar 14, 2003, 12:16pm
Well with the yahoo photo albums, i think yahoo changes the file name
everyday, so a builder might think his pictures still are up, but they
could just be in cache. mebbe

[View Quote]

PDA bots

May 7, 2003, 2:36am
Hey how is everyone today. Good i hope. geesh why is aw so empty these
days. use to be lots more ppl roaming the worlds. what is wrong with
aw.com inc or whatever that are!!. anyways, would anyone happen to
know a way i could run a bot of a compaq ipaq pocket PC pda. mebbe a
chatbot. i could sip coffee in starbucks and use my bots. thanks. :)

aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jun 30, 2003, 11:11pm
AW managment sucks, AW GZ sucks. and there is no one left in worlds to
really talk to and revive the community. Get off your ass enzo and
start to improve this program. Stop snorting our money enzo we send in
for our cits. When i 1st came to AW in 1998 aw was very active and
everynite there was an event or function, or a community gathering with
many people who enjoyed the building and friendships in aw. Now this
place is INAVTIVEWORLDS and enzo i suggest u hurry up and register
www.inactiveworlds.com befor someone else does. But then again anyone
else would actually try and help this program. So is aw gonna get
better? are we gonna get more cits to play with? guess not. Mebbe i
will leave to what a shame to give up such a good idea. but then again
enzo and AW managment sucks. :)
(spell checker broken)

aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jul 1, 2003, 1:33am
I am just an upset and disapointed customer of aw this day. sorry for
going off, i am mostly happy :) had to vent and now i am calm. But
really AWI come to learn what it takes to run a VR enviroment. ENZO its
up to u also to help make this place the best of all colonized
cyberspace or watch the compition put u on un employment lines. what a
blow that would be for u and this community and this program like no
other. I got 12,000 happy customers at my work, how many happy
customers in aw :)

[View Quote]

happy bday AW ;)

Jul 1, 2003, 2:50am
On a more positive note i would like to wish AW a happy late birthay.
it was on june 28th. AW is a cancer sign like me,1 we share the same
bday with a few other cits also:) Again happy bday june 28 ppl and AW,
may there be many more. cake flowers and balloons for everone:)

Duskbat :)


Apr 28, 2001, 11:46am
i use it. after 3 days trying it at 120 scenery i wont go back. things are
more smooth and you get used to it:)

[View Quote] > What's up with it anyway, is it suppose to help AW run faster, or look
> better? I can't tell whether I like AW more with it on or not. Who uses it
> anyway?
> --
> SW Comit
> swcomit at swcity.net
> Mayor of SW City
> http://www.swcity.net
> President of Community Linkage Commission
> http://comlinkage.tripod.com

My Final Post On This Just In Matter

May 7, 2001, 10:46pm
Man what a bunch of babies. mebbe turn off your PC yall. try baseball or

[View Quote] > you WANT the war to continue, don't you???? LOL, just SHUT UP!
[View Quote]

3.2 - the version from hell

Oct 2, 2001, 11:48pm
About the problem you had in your section 5. I think the 3.2 restarts your
settings to default I fix it by
changing my options, settings, disk usage then set to no limit. restart. Hope
it works for you also.
Now I can return to a place and it will still be there. Duskbat

[View Quote] > I gave it a second chance...and it failed miserably, here's the problems:
> 1. MIDIs no good, I already been through all that.
> 2. Every 20-30 minutes AW would cause my computer to just stop, and reboot
> without me doing anything. I would just be there building or chatting away
> and within all of sudden, within 3 seconds, my computer is rebooting. I
> blame this on my graphic card. I'm probably one of the only people on AW
> with a white box graphic card, it's an ATI Rage Fury Pro 32 MB with the
> latest drivers, with the exception of the beta drivers that are out.
> 3. Lighting. This is just an opinion, but I don't like the lighting.
> White light at brightness 10 makes 1 side of my avatar completely white.
> 3. Masking. This is covered in help, but yes, some masking was damaged
> too. Particularly, the awd#m mask, which causes a transparent look to
> things.
> 4. Lag. Even after going through all the settings and trying everything
> out, I do end up getting more lag in 3.2.
> 5. Recache bug(?). Not sure how to explain it, but here's what seems to
> happen. I cache and download an area, then go elsewhere, and when I come
> back, it's all gone and I either have to recache it or restart AW.
> 6. Texture tags. If you texture a door object in 3.1, it would all be
> textured. In 3.2, the frame of the door wouldn't be textured, but is white
> instead. No one else has mentioned this, so I blame it on my graphic card
> again.
> Anywho, I can't use 3.2 even if I wanted too cause of problem #2 ;_;
> My system specs:
> AMD t-bird 1.4 GHZ
> 384 MB SDRAM
> ATI Rage Fury Pro 32 MB w/ TV in and out
> Windows 98
> Audio Excel Wavetable 5.1 channel surround sound sound card using C-media
> software which uses "Midiout" midi drivers
> DirectX 8.0a
> Computer is also a proxy server for the network, and is on a 56k modem.

BirdBot Build 6 released

Dec 3, 2001, 5:52am
Wow cool.
the bird bot is lots of fun, offers hours and hours of entertainmet for
me. lol
Cant wait to try the new bird bot.
thank you Ima Genius! :)

[View Quote] > Hi :) BirdBot Build 6 has been released. You can download it from
> http://www.imabot.com/
> A large portion of the BirdBot code has been rewritten and now supports
> specifying the number of birds to start.
> Sincerely,
> - Ima Genius

good bye <NAC> and expired property

Feb 8, 2002, 1:20am
What happens when AWcom decides to delete not a citizen and expired cit
accounts property in aw world. and all public worlds. I know of many
nice sites that would be lost forever. I know expired cits come back,
but they could come back to not having any property. Example, a guy in
the military fighting in the mid east, he comes home and learns AWcom
deleted his stuff cause he expired. Many situations from this. What is
everyones feeling on if AW decided to do this. How would it effect
you. towns could have scattered vacent lots. Roads could be lost.
Dreams could be lost. Lets hope this never happens, but the way things
go here we know anything can happen. Have great day everyone :)

good bye <NAC> and expired property

Feb 8, 2002, 3:36am
I brought this up because a PK told me that in a PK meeting J.P was there and
told the group that this will happen. Now who can say you know. but 1 week
ago another PK told me aboout the new $6.95 plan befor it happend, she said it
was from secret meeting. then it happens. It could very well be true and
happen right behing our backs. Please consider this issue. From that one
correct fact I got from a PK I can hold the 2nd one with high regards.
Anyways. Lets keep clear minds andbe open for anything and look out for
posibility that NAC and expired cit stuff could be vaporized!! :) Duskbat

[View Quote] > I highly doubt this will ever be an issue. <NAC> builds are accounts
> that have already been wiped from the database, so you can't remove NAC
> accounts. As for deleting property, that will never happen unless
> someone requests it to GET. AlphaWorld is still only around %1 full of
> objects, so it's not as if there's a land shortage. Besides, the amount
> of man and bot hours it would take to remove every single <NAC> would be
> a waste of AWC's time and resources. They've got more important things
> to do (like marketing! :P).
> Nothing to worry about! The <NAC>s aren't going anywhere! :)
[View Quote]

good bye <NAC> and expired property

Feb 8, 2002, 12:09pm
Thanks for yalls time on this, I gotta go to work so real fast. I am just
upset that some special builds will be lost. This is a kind of art, Aw is
canvis and the rwx is paint and paint brush. Why delete at all? is there a
software issue because of AW's content? I suggest a task force set up to
deal with this, One that hunts out rouge land covers for deletion, and takes
survays for possible deletion sites. It sure can be done, the company who
owns this might not see having time for it, but they could allow it to be
set up. Something with the PK or GET help possibly. But every thing
suggested here wether good idea or not is just imagination. The staff dosnt
listen. Personaly I know some people, including Lotus Petal who are on
leave and will not me happy to see there stuff gone in the wind. thanks
and have a nice day be sure to visit 7000s 7000w teleportation in AW!
*spell checker has expired

[View Quote] > howdy
> What happens when AWcom decides to delete not a citizen and expired cit
> accounts property in aw world. and all public worlds. I know of many
> nice sites that would be lost forever. I know expired cits come back,
> but they could come back to not having any property. Example, a guy in
> the military fighting in the mid east, he comes home and learns AWcom
> deleted his stuff cause he expired. Many situations from this. What is
> everyones feeling on if AW decided to do this. How would it effect
> you. towns could have scattered vacent lots. Roads could be lost.
> Dreams could be lost. Lets hope this never happens, but the way things
> go here we know anything can happen. Have great day everyone :)
> Duskbat

Biggest building

Feb 9, 2002, 3:16am
Well I know a guy who worked many hours to make this build.
its a mother ship and very very very large prolly largest in all of AW
so check it out today 9528.5N 7493.4E 0.5a 88
:) Duskbat

[View Quote] > I'm not sure if this should be in world builders or community, but I'm
> guessing community.
> What is the biggest BUILDING in all of active worlds in term of floor space?
> Not tallest, not biggest footprint, but rather useable space.
> Anyone have any idea?

Biggest building

Feb 9, 2002, 3:18am
I gave out the wrong coords, lol the ones I gave out are for my place well
enjoy that anyway but its not big.

The coords I was to give out is this 13905.8N 27658.1W 0.0a 0 the largest
build in aw. the mothership by ratgut

[View Quote] > I'm not sure if this should be in world builders or community, but I'm
> guessing community.
> What is the biggest BUILDING in all of active worlds in term of floor space?
> Not tallest, not biggest footprint, but rather useable space.
> Anyone have any idea?


Feb 10, 2002, 5:10am
It all comes down to that if SW Chris, DMC2U, or me or whoever left right now
for somereason, rather it death, war, or whatever that more important then aw,
and it be a few months and you expire you lose your stuff. All those years of
stuff, it kind amakes big hholes int he community. Like taking out half the
cities in the world. when you set out do destroy property you dont know what
your doing. you dont know what is behind what your deleting. Its a bad move.
I am sorry we build so much that it is harming the servers. Why cant
everything just stay. if anything Rid property marrked NAc. other then that
AWcom promised not to delete / Lol Damn I need to step away from the beer and
go to bed

[View Quote] > Good point. :)
> SW Chris
[View Quote]

my textures

Apr 16, 2002, 10:15pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hello My friends
For all who use my nice texture yard at aw 9333.1N 7475.8E 0.0a 90 and
or my textures,
I would like to inform that the site will be down untill Wed. or Thurs.
of this week I
hope. I have been having some people work on my server for work related
and my texture path seems to be gone. No worry the textures are there!
:) yes
thats the good part. So dont think I took them off line for good, they
will be back.
Thanks yall and I hope you like the textures when they are working.

Duskbat R. Rabbit

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<b>Hello My friends</b>
<br><b>For all who use my nice texture yard at aw 9333.1N 7475.8E 0.0a 90&nbsp;
and or my textures,</b>
<br><b>I would like to inform that the site will be down untill Wed. or
Thurs. of this week I</b>
<br><b>hope.&nbsp; I have been having some people work on my server for
work related stuff</b>
<br><b>and my texture path seems to be gone.&nbsp; No worry the textures
are there!&nbsp; :)&nbsp; yes</b>
<br><b>thats the good part.&nbsp; So dont think I took them off line for
good, they will be back.</b>
<br><b>Thanks yall and I hope you like the textures when they are working.</b><b></b>
<p><b>Duskbat R. Rabbit</b></html>


my textures

Apr 29, 2002, 11:27pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

and to this day still down. mebbe tomorrow

[View Quote] > Hello My friends
> For all who use my nice texture yard at aw 9333.1N 7475.8E 0.0a 90 and
> or my textures,
> I would like to inform that the site will be down untill Wed. or
> Thurs. of this week I
> hope. I have been having some people work on my server for work
> related stuff
> and my texture path seems to be gone. No worry the textures are
> there! :) yes
> thats the good part. So dont think I took them off line for good,
> they will be back.
> Thanks yall and I hope you like the textures when they are working.
> Duskbat R. Rabbit

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
and to this day still down.&nbsp;&nbsp; mebbe tomorrow
[View Quote] --------------FC9E5742F66EE84AE7F4D94D--

Weebette's Condition

Jun 4, 2002, 12:50am
prays for Weebette

[View Quote] > Sadly Weebette aka Zandorfa has a just a short time with us. She would love
> to hear from you, if you have a chance. Her family is accepting email
> letters to share with her at Balun at 21stcentury.net Please put Weebette
> in the subject line. Her disease she contracted is atypical calciphylaxis
> She always had this on her email signature...Peace, Love, Donuts, and
> Chocolates
> Thank you:)

AW Info Squares closed today

Jun 23, 2002, 4:10pm
this is very sad to me. I loved those squares. and used them all the
time. ppl still build in aw!


[View Quote] > yup :O( a shame...

AW Info Squares closed today

Jun 24, 2002, 12:00am
Mongo seemed like you were waiting to get that one in. This is about the
squares that had tports to other cits builds. Anyone who likes to explore AW
needed them. As with the squares, the few teleports I have designed and placed
around GZ go to my builds that are active and current and I enjoy ppl to see
them. I actually take a few minutes and plan a nice teleport not like some of
our friends in aw who just stick up walls, panels and cheap signs :) maybe if I
never planted a teleport near gz you would have actually had something to say
about the squares Bille mentioned instead of an attack. You are also so behind
.. I havnt been a pk for more then a year :) your post seems a guerilla style
attack in a post I placed on topic about bille's info squares. whats up with

[View Quote] > Duskbat doesn't need info squares - he has more than enough guerrila style
> advertisements sneaked into the GZ area to advertise well enough on his own.
> And a PK to boot, this is one hell of an example - :)
[View Quote]

AW Info Squares closed today

Jun 25, 2002, 11:33am
kellee, I dont have signs at GZ, and all my tports are all old, nothing new.
and no one spends hours clearing signs and tidying up awgz lol take a look for

yourself. I guess, I am allowed to do things cause the aw gods love me and
want me to be happy and make everyone else get eyesores. I think u ppl just
think i go around trashing GZ cause u think u heard someone in the past say
it but yall have never really looked. I been in aw for very long time and I
a few decorated trorts in areas I claimed. if awhs is gonna clean up gz and
it look something less like a VR ghetto, i would have no problem with myself
removing anything that I have small that gets in the way. In the mean time,
anyone dosnt like exploring nice builds in aw and finding suprises I suggest
stay away from the ghetto gz and its tports :)

I am sorry yall got distracted form the topic. Bille Left word on her closing
squares and it turns into this. I enjoyed the squares because they always had
something new to check out and it was close to GZ where ppl are. They were
niceMebbe AWhs can see to it that GZ is cleaned up now and mebbe make some type

of new Info area thats current and active. mebbe at theawhs teleport park. So

:) Duskbat cover your land

[View Quote] > But he does have a good point. The area surrounding aw GZ is supposed to be
> cleared of signs with personal advertisements by the AWHS.
> Many ppl spent hours trying to clean and tidy the area up, restoring old
> builds and removing the eyesores that accumulated signs, protests and self
> advertisements represent. So why is Duskbat allowed to place signs while
> other, older signs are removed?

Sabatical :)

Jul 7, 2002, 10:10pm
U were a hard worker and I hope ya enjoy your building break :)

[View Quote] > Dear Activeworlds Community,
> Starting today I will be taking a sabatical from the Cy Awards
> responsibilities. I hope to be back next year for the 2003 Awards:)
> I have taken this time to finally build again in AW (I have never found the
> time in the past to even build my own home there!...LOL). I will also be
> working on the new theatre and world in cyawards world, along with some of
> you:)We will be using the current world design for this coming awards
> ceremony.
> I have relenquished my duties back to AWCorp, and I should have a contact
> for you shortly.
> Until then all questions and comments can be directed to
> cyawards at awcommunity.org please:)
> Thank you as always for your great support of your Cy Awards:)
> Cya at the Cys!
> Hugggggs:)
> Bit:)

Alpha World Building With Special Commands

Sep 8, 2002, 1:48pm
No more codes!! this sucks! what next, no more alphaworld!

[View Quote] > Welp you don't need to worry about it anymore...
> Everyones favourite move/rotate work-arounds have been fixed! As of... 6am
> central time, the following are dead!
> ..,,,;
> ...,,,;
> *shrug* at any other's I may have missed. Inform us if you know of others!
> :-P
> --
> - Syntax -
> http://www.swcity.net
> http://forum.swcity.net
[View Quote]

E N Z O 's World

Mar 26, 2003, 3:45am
I am just sure Enzo cant afford his world anymore.

[View Quote]

E N Z O 's World

Mar 26, 2003, 12:07pm
Bandwith and servers he is paying for and with no one left in aw hardly
at all he must be pickin up the extra costs
I pray aw gets more users!
[View Quote]

E N Z O 's World

Mar 26, 2003, 11:48pm
Hey as long as they can make there payments on there sport cars all is ok.

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