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herb // User Search
herb // User SearchMulti UniverseNov 25, 1999, 4:09pm
Wish the browser would allow for a place to put in a port number or address
to go to a different universe in the same browser much like adding a regular URL to view a website. Sure would be nice:))) HostingFeb 7, 2005, 1:50am
Enhanced Hosting Solutions
Websites, Domains, Webmail, World Hosting, Galaxy Servers, Universe Servers, FTP Accounts for Objects, Bot Hosting, Shoutcast Radio servers, etc... Our servers are housed in a facility that contains a Cisco Certified Network with multiple carriers running BGP4 for maximum routing redundancy and efficiency. Carriers include UUNet, Abovenet, Sprint, Allegiance Telecom, Verio, Level 3, Time Warner, and Global Crossing. These are not home computers running on a DSL or cable line! Great new prices Free hosting for Magland ??Mar 15, 2005, 11:39pm