=?iso-8859-1?q?eep=b2?= // User Search

=?iso-8859-1?q?eep=b2?= // User Search

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"Area's full"

Aug 4, 1998, 12:53am
Figures you're lost. Anyway, it's not that complicated and most of the pu=
ll-down menus and edit boxes would be hidden until activated by the appro=
priate command anyway. But I doubt it will be changed anyway, since AW's =
development is as slow as molasses. Remember the SIMPLE abbreviation syst=
em I proposed almost a year ago? Roland's all "oh I've been meaning to re=
do the entire action system anyway". Has it been done yet? Uh nope. Can y=
ou lag anymore, COF? Keep it up...you'll grind this thing into the ground=
in no time...

[View Quote] > Eep, that's losing me :) that's why I said, however long ago I did post=
> even forgot I posted that!) it would be better as a seperate button tha=
> newbies (or those who just forgot exactly how a warp command went, for
> example) can press and have it done for them easier. A whole mess of
> checkboxes, drop-downs and radio buttons is just going to confuse a new=
> At least if they're somewhat organized ala mail filters, and not forced=
> new users OR us oldies, everyone can pick and choose the method they pr=
> I know *I* would stick with the text in almost all circumstances.
[View Quote] > could appear. Then 2 buttons with a "color" label above: "background" a=
> "foreground", where, clicking either, would bring, say, the color selec=
> dialog that appears in the menu: Options | World... | Backdrop Color |
> "Change..." button option.
> If "URL" or "picture" are selected, an edit box could appear (with "htt=
> in front, but not IN the typing portion, since the "http://" is not nee=
> but assumed) where the URL is entered. Additionally, with "picture", an=

> "update" checkbox with a small edit box for the # of seconds could appe=
> If "sound" or "noise" are selected, (optional) a pull-down menu with th=
> name of sounds (WAVs/MIDs as ZIP files) in the object server's "sounds"=

> directory could appear. Otherwise, an edit box where the WAV/MID could =
> entered could appear.
> If "visible" is selected, a pull-down menu with "me" and "other" could
> appear. If "other" is selected, (optional) if other objects are named i=
n the
> area=97cell?--a pull-down menu with their names could appear. Otherwise=
> edit box where the name of the other object's name could be entered cou=
> appear. Also, a pull-down menu would appear with "on" and "off".
> If "warp" or "teleport" are selected, an edit box for the north-south
> cooridates, and east-west coordinates (with appropriate pull-down menus=
> north-south and east-west), as well as altitude and direction edit boxe=
> could appear. Similar to this:
> _# edit box_ <"N"/"S" pull-down menu> _# edit box_ <"E"/"W" pull-down m=
> "altitude": _# edit box_ "facing": _# edit box_
> If "solid" is selected, a "on"/"off" (or "yes"/"no") pull-down menu cou=
> appear.
> If "name" is selected, an edit box where the name would be entered coul=
> appear.
> Multiple actions could be done with a "More" button, bringing up the tr=
> and command pull-down menus, with the argument edit boxes or pull-down =
> to follow, as needed. A "Fewer" button would remove extra commands.
> The commands could be abbreviated to however AW could interpret them, w=
> as few bytes used as possible, but the GUI presentation of doing object=

> properties would remain simpler.
[View Quote] he
> and/or advanced commands wouldn't be lost?

Clipping Planes

Jul 21, 1998, 11:29pm
Clipping planes could be placed like "normal" objects so it would be up t=
o the
builder to effectively place them to increase frame rate performance and =
maintain realism (or not if you don't want that effect).

[View Quote] > Don't forget the effects of transparency... Still, there may be a way.
[View Quote] > render what's behind things if they can't be seen anyway (excluding thr=
> windows, doors, etc). I thought BSP (binary space partitioning) would d=
> this (and it still might), but now I think clipping planes are "it". Th=
> could even be clipping plane objects, made just like regular RWXes, exc=
> maybe with a tag to denote the clipping. I don't know all the technical=
> of it, but, as I was told, it's in like 99% of 3D games (yes, I know AW=

> isn't a "game", but it's still based on the same 3D engine concept as u=
> in 3D games/apps and could probably dramatically increase in frame rate=
> clipping planes). Anyway, just a thought...

3Dfx Voodoo/Voodoo2 support in ActiveWorlds.

Aug 11, 1998, 8:01pm
Um...no. RenderWare is NOT the fastest engine overall...HARDLY. 3Dfx HARDWARE acceleration kicks ass. RenderWare is SOFTWARE emulation but also has Voodoo and Direct3D HARDWARE drivers, which don't seem to work too well in AW.

COF and Criterion need to work on the RW Direct3D drivers so they don't cause AW to crash or pause for a long time when changing the window size. Criterion also needs to update them for DirectX 6.0 support.

[View Quote] > My opinion on 3Dfx is ! at #$ !!!
> They overcharge for Crap! Yes, they're a standard, but standards are rarely
> the best, in fact... Standards are usually the base line.
> Number two, AW runs off of RenderWare, and it'd be stupid as hell to even
> try to transfer to a 3Dfx Engine, because RenderWare is the fastest overall
> engine 1, and 2, It's the easiest to model for...
> Number three, there are special DLLs for 3Dfx crap cards available...

Re: Auto Build Program Prohibition

Jul 21, 1998, 7:22am

[View Quote] > oh yeah.... and how big, in metres, is a cell?

Telegram Rediction To Email Address

Jul 22, 1998, 3:06pm
Thought this would be neat: if the person isn't in AW when a telegram is
sent, have it automatically rerouted to the email address (as stated in
the citizen options) and sent as an email (duh). Of course this should
be togglable.

Telegram Rediction To Email Address

Jul 22, 1998, 5:57pm
I never saw that message, but I just found it; sorry for repeating your idea.

[View Quote] > The telegram system needs to be updated to a full mail client. They are
> already embedding explorer in the right hand window. When you click the
> telegram button it would just switch over to a mail control instead. It
> would talk to an smtp server to send things out and poll a pop3 server to
> read telegrams in. A simple, already coded semi-bug free protocol that
> everyone knows and loves.
> I put this wish in with another thread but it sounds like you are coming
> around to it here as well.

Telegram Rediction To Email Address

Jul 22, 1998, 9:37pm
Sure, but since "spammers" in AW could telegram you to death ANYWAY, I don't see
a problem with having the option to "spam" an email address too. Anyway, it was
just a thought in case people don't visit AW that much they can still get urgent
messages from people who don't know their email address or whatever. <shrug> It
could always be configurable similar to how the join request works where only
people on one's contact list would have the option of sending the telegram
through email, or something...

[View Quote] > Wew hundreds of emails to read.... I'll hate that. Have you ever had your
> email adress caugth by spammers and on a mailing list?
> Eep² a écrit dans le message <35B61C2E.EB36CD86 at tnlc.com>...

Curved roads and automobiles

Jul 24, 1998, 10:00pm
But they ain't curved, which is what jpr was asking for...

[View Quote] > I have a whole set of improved roads at http://www.grovers.com/objects/ that
> fixes the most complained about problems with the existing roads :-) They
> can perfectly retrofit anything built with the existing street1, street2 and
> street3 objects, and additionally have more realistic textures, road
> markings, and more shapes, including a T, L, dead-end and 90° bend.
[View Quote]

Curved roads and automobiles

Jul 25, 1998, 12:11am
Oh yea...THAT one...it had screwed up texturing and stuff, but, yea, it was curved.

[View Quote] > i have a 90° Curve i added about 6 months ago... street5.rwx in the updated
> series. It's just like the 90° L piece, but curved in a circle. Isn't that what
> he's asking for? (sure, we could go for less ° deflection in a 10x10m piece, but
> then it gets very difficult to build with!)

Mute Audio If AW Not Active

Aug 4, 1998, 6:30am
So AW doesn't hog the WAVE audio device any more than Windows is already incompetent in dealing with (in other words, since only one application at a time can use it), how about releasing AW's control of audio when it's not the active application and/or minimized? I know of some other programs (including games) that do this.

Grouping Objects.

Aug 7, 1998, 7:18am
Uh...you can ever since 2.0 came out. Use [Shift] and [Ctrl] while selecting objects.

[View Quote] > I would just like to suggest the possibility to group objects in active
> world.
> (I heve not seen this suggestion posted).
> This function is very common in 2D systems (Powerpoint, etc.), and can
> be very
> usefull to dupplicate/ move/ etc. large number of object, and create
> library of complex
> objects (without to have to go to renderware authoring).

Background Color-Backdrop Linking

Aug 8, 1998, 9:06am
First off, custom colors aren't saved in the world's background color chooser window. The other thing is linking a background color to certain backdrop. That would make changing backdrops easier since you wouldn't have to enter the correct background color to make the backdrop blend in better every time.


Aug 8, 1998, 9:11am
More light sources. Look at Tomb Raider 2: that game as more light sources (and very good frame rate) that it's freakin' AMAZING compared to AW's SINGLE world light source. Blah.

Changing light position/intensity based on VRT (or whatever time zone--configurable). Roland and Protag alluded to this (along with customizable avatars--remember this??) before 2.0 came out, yet there's been no word on either yet. Typical...

More control over a world's light source, including position, intensity, color, and type (conical, spot, and the other I forgot). It would make designing objects easier for darker worlds, for one. For 2 it would just be freakin' cool!

More programmers for AW so it can develop faster. AW is REALLY showing its age compared to other 3D apps out there...

Major and Minor Caretakers!!!

Aug 14, 1998, 9:18pm
No, I'd rather have much more BASIC problems fixed first...and from what Roland said is in store for AW for the next few months to a year, it doesn't look like much will get improved, if anything. Bot support...whoopty do...<twirl finger>

[View Quote] > It's just an idea, Eep, if your out there don't criticize me on this!!! I
> know it'll take some work to do, but it'd be a nice touch, don't you agree?

NG for AW Changes

Aug 15, 1998, 3:15pm
Yet another BRILLIANT (note sarcasm) decision by a COF GENIUS (note more sarcasm). Haven't you learned yet, COF? Guess not...idiots...

[View Quote] > Not sure if this has ever been posted here, but I would love to see an NG or
> even a web page strictly for changes made to AW, primarily with textures and
> objects. Something, anything.
> Part of this stems from the recent frustration at finding out by going back
> to some of my original building areas from about a year ago, that anything
> on which I had used chilli. 1 1 0, the object was no longer visible. The
> old texture, sans mask, brought about a gold/yellow color on non textured
> objects. I now have pots, awnings, kitchen cabinets, a car, etc. for which
> the objects are still there, but don't show because chilli. 1 1 0 is now
> toting a mask and only the red pepper shows. The yellow is gone. Quite
> frustrating.
> Have looked high and low to see if this change has been listed anywhere, but
> can't seem to find a posting.
> Ergo, a suggestion to have a specific location where in any and all changes,
> especially those affecting standard AW building could be listed. <sigh> Got
> lots of work ahead trying to figure out where I specifically used that
> texture and my time could be better spent elsewhere.

NG for AW Changes

Aug 15, 1998, 5:31pm
I've always seen the chili with the yellow background. But this isn't the=
only case where COF has changed something before consulting with the "co=
mmunity". The static on picture objects used to be black and white. Now i=
t's blue and lighter blue. It looks like shit. Someone changed it a few m=
onths ago. COF are STILL idiots though. Note Enzo's lies about adding mor=
e objects (not to mention the bajillion OTHER things he's lied about and =
not done yet). It's just tiring to see it continue. I TRULY hope some OTH=
ER company, with more sense than a pile of shit, either takes over AW or =
adapts a game into on-line multi-player with level editing/world building=
capabilities. RenderWare isn't that great of an engine anyway and is SER=
IOUSLY getting outdated compared to other gaming engines in multi-player =
games. The slow development of AW only proves COF can't keep up very well=
=2E Criterion isn't much better. They just better start getting their act=
together or something better will blow them away and AW/Criterion won't =
even know what hit them. I only DREAM of the day...

[View Quote] > chilli.jpg and it's mask were both uploaded simultaneously October 22, =
1996. The reason Zandorfa saw the yellow was because of a _BUG_ in
> the software and not any "decision" by cof. And saying cof is doing no=
thing about this is absolutely wrong, eep. Roland has continually
> answered questions about this in the beta group and if neither he nor r=
on has found the problem in the 2 years since they've known about
> it, it's not something they can just *fix*. idiot.
> so Zandorfa, simply put, the yellow you saw was just a fluke. you =
should never have seen the yellow background in the first place.
> [ie, the "black boxes: people see sometimes is just yellow for this obj=
ect] Everyone else has always seen the chili as masked :-(

NG for AW Changes

Aug 15, 1998, 10:20pm
I've always seen the chili with the yellow background. But this isn't the=
only case where COF has changed something before consulting with the "co=
mmunity". The static on picture objects used to be black and white. Now i=
t's blue and lighter blue. It looks like shit. Someone changed it a few m=
onths ago. COF are STILL idiots though. Note Enzo's lies about adding mor=
e objects (not to mention the bajillion OTHER things he's lied about and =
not done yet). It's just tiring to see it continue. I TRULY hope some OTH=
ER company, with more sense than a pile of shit, either takes over AW or =
adapts a game into on-line multi-player with level editing/world building=
capabilities. RenderWare isn't that great of an engine anyway and is SER=
IOUSLY getting outdated compared to other gaming engines in multi-player =
games. The slow development of AW only proves COF can't keep up very well=
=2E Criterion isn't much better. They just better start getting their act=
together or something better will blow them away and AW/Criterion won't =
even know what hit them. I only DREAM of the day...

[View Quote] > chilli.jpg and it's mask were both uploaded simultaneously October 22, =
1996. The reason Zandorfa saw the yellow was because of a _BUG_ in the s=
oftware and not any "decision" by cof. And saying cof is doing nothing a=
bout this is absolutely wrong, eep. Roland has continually answered ques=
tions about this in the beta group and if neither he nor ron has found th=
e problem in the 2 years since they've known about it, it's not something=
they can just *fix*. idiot.
> so Zandorfa, simply put, the yellow you saw was just a fluke. you =
should never have seen the yellow background in the first place. [ie, the=
"black boxes: people see sometimes is just yellow for this object] Every=
one else has always seen the chili as masked :-(

Import objects from other servers

Sep 4, 1998, 1:57pm
Um...you don't NEED a registry to build. Encroaching will be enabled and object name checking will be disabled though, but you can still build...

[View Quote] > The present model of the AW server REQUIRES a registry in public build
> worlds. In the registry is information about the "footprint" of each
> object. This is how the building inspector knows that you've tried to
> place an object that overlaps on another person's property.

Import objects from other servers

Sep 4, 1998, 4:43pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] Um, settle down, Beavis. I was just commenting on the incorrectness of yo=
ur statement about AW requiring a registry.

> People bitch-n-moan because of the limited list of models in various
> worlds that they have to work with (AW prime in particular). Adding the=

> ability to pull objects in off the web (a URL-object), is not enough fo=
> a public building world. I cannot think of a clean way to automatically=

> register these objects.

Simple: a text file inside the object's ZIP with the registry info.

> BTW, this does nothing to solve the problem of the badly designed, bugg=
> object. AW-prime is a pleasure to stroll around in because there are no=

> "garbage" objects that poison the browser. That is, the rendering engin=
> gets confused about which object is in front and which is behind and
> displays jaggy edges on objects. I suppose a fix for this would have to=

> take place in the browser itself.

Um, perhaps you're referring to the 16-bit z-buffering which causes overl=
apping polygons to fragment and bleed through other polygons. This isn't =
necessarily because of "badly designed, buggy" objects. See http://tnlc.c=
om/rw/terminology.html#z-buffering for more info. And you don't need to e=
xplain it to ME. I have a RW site, after all...

> Perhaps a filter that rejects
> "garbage" objects. This would leave some worlds with LOTS of little
> black triangles, but then the world owners deserve it if they have
> garbage in their object directory. Better yet, the filter could display=

> rejected objects as little RED triangles. Ok, visualize this: You're
> building on AW-prime. you select an object, copy it, slide it over, the=
> replace the name in the object box with a URL pointing to your brand ne=
> "gizmo5.rwx". You close the build box. The old object changes to a blac=
> triangle and you see your new gizmo5 in the download box. The triangle
> changes from black to red! "Dang, must have a bug. Gotta redo that one.=

Um, stop thinking so much...you're only complicating things and confusing=
yourself more. To be honest, I didn't ask for a novel about this either.=

> Another problem is protecting your URL-object from being copied by
> anyone, both throughout the world and on other worlds as well. Perhaps
> zip encryption based on the builder number. Wrong builder number and th=
> zip file does not get decrypted properly (it would have the effect of
> creating our own private "z" objects). Zip encryption based on the
> world's name (or some other world ID) could allow a URL-object to be
> used by anyone on that world, but nowhere else. Of course zip encryptio=
> is optional. This could be handled on the server side (another job for
> the building inspector) or on the browser side (more little red
> triangles).

Too much thinking again, but, yes, of course ZIP encryption would be nece=

Import objects from other servers

Sep 5, 1998, 2:59am
[View Quote] [View Quote] I was referring to Active Worlds, not AlphaWorld. When you're inconsisten=
t with acronyms, as you were when meaning AlphaWorld but you used "AW", c=
onfusion will occur. Tip: AW stands for Active Worlds, not AlphaWorld. An=
d "AW Prime" has to be the lamest name I've ever heard. There is only one=
Prime: Optimus Prime. If you HAVE to abbreviate "AlphaWorld", try "Alpha=

> I don't think so. What is to prevent someone from lying about the
> registry info. An object that has a registered footprint of 0 x 0 could=

> be carefully placed between someone else's objects. Example,
> walk001h.rwx is not registered as being 10m x 10m but 9.990m x 9.990m s=
> that walks from different owners can be right up against each other
> without encroaching or leaving a gap. Any object registered as 0 x 0
> could be used to vandalize another's property.

Then have AW check the dimensions. Or have someone at COF (yea right) val=
idate all new objects people want to use before. I don't care. Remote obj=
ect usage isn't going to happen anytime soon anyway.

u don't need
> It has nothing to do with z-buffering. Example, where a wall and a floo=
> come together, if there is a problem with one of the models then
> RenderWare cannot seem to figure out where one model ends and the other=

> begins. If you face the wall straight on, there is no problem. If you
> turn slightly then the intersection between them becomes a zig-zag abou=
> 1/2m wide (not a pixel problem). Once the browser is "poisoned" it
> screws up on worlds with normally clean models. The only way to fix it
> is to shut down are restart the AW browser and avoid those worlds with
> bad models.

Um...that's z-buffering. Go read the definition at Webopedia. Z-buffering=
is the process of calculating which polygons are in front of other polyg=

sing yourself
> Too bad Eep=B2, I get paid to think, it has become a habit, I cannot he=
> myself -- and I rarely get confused. I was not confused when I wrote th=
> previous message, and I'm not confused now. Perhaps you prefer
> incomplete or vague ideas?

I don't prefer babbling. If you don't know COF by now, you obviously have=
n't realized you're wasting your energy continuing to babble about things=
that won't change ANYTIME soon. COF has their own agenda and this newsgr=
oup is little more than a cushion to make us feel better and actually thi=
nk COF gives a damn about our suggestions...

> BTW has anyone ever mentioned to you that your are intelligent,
> talented, and have the social skills of a power tool?

Yep. And if I want your social commentary, I'll beat it out of you next t=
ime, dig?

Import objects from other servers

Sep 5, 1998, 4:41am
No, that's incorrect syntax. "AW Prime" and "Optimus Prime" are consistent; "Prime Directive" is different. But, hey, at least you got the word "Prime" in there...

[View Quote] > "There is only one Prime: Optimus Prime."
> Hey, you forgot about the "Prime Directive"

Import objects from other servers

Sep 6, 1998, 12:07am
The problem with these discussions is that Roland never joins in. HE'S th=
e guy who will inevitably implement this stuff (if at all), and after tal=
king with him off-and-on for over a year now, I can guarantee you this wo=
n't happen anytime soon. Plus he's already posted his agenda for AW for l=
ike the next YEAR, and adding remote object capabilities ain't in the lis=
t. Although I'm sure it's on THE List=99.

[View Quote] [View Quote] > thing to say, "I want......" without ever offering a clue as to how tha=
> wish may be accomplished. Constructive ideas may be implemented if they=

> are reasonable (maybe).
> If we can offer workable solutions to these problems, PERHAPS COF will
> include the feature at some future time. How about it people, can we
> restart this discussion?

Import objects from other servers

Sep 6, 1998, 12:10am
Um, that's still z-buffering. Try the 32-bit z-buffer RW DLL and I doubt =
you'll still see the bleeding. I can't the latest build (2.1.15) ones to =
work so try 2.1.13. Get 'em off Criterion's site. They're in a big 9MB fi=

[View Quote] [View Quote] > the objects that were some how causing the problem -- but once the
> browser has been "poisoned" (by what ever is causing it), then all
> objects in all worlds are affected until the browser is restarted. This=

> makes building almost impossible because you cannot see where things
> really are.
> It is possible that not everyone is affected. I am running the Active
> Worlds browser on an older NT machine (workstation 4.0, SP-3) with a S3=

> based 2D accelerated video card. Eep=B2, did you go look where I
> suggested? Can you see what I see?

Import objects from other servers

Sep 7, 1998, 12:43am
Well, adding objects to AlphaWorld is a tad different than programming fe=
atures into the AW browser. But I'm sure new "features" must be run by th=
e clueless--er, Enzo and JP--before implementation. But seeing as how Enz=
o and JP are probably not exactly at the forefront of what this technolog=
y can do, stagnation arises.

[View Quote] > I disagree Eep. I don't think Roland is the one who needs to be involv=
ed in
> the initial discussions, but ENZO or JP. I told Roland I had some Obje=
cts I
> was willing to donate and he told me I should talk to ENZO. So, I thi=
> it's ENZO we should be making suggestions to since ENZO and JP (I belie=
> are the ones to decide what will and will not be done. Of course, you =
> make the same comment that ENZO and JP never join in the discussions ei=
[View Quote] > happen anytime soon. Plus he's already posted his agenda for AW for lik=
e the
> next YEAR, and adding remote object capabilities ain't in the list. Alt=
> I'm sure it's on THE List=99.

Import objects from other servers

Sep 7, 1998, 12:45am

[View Quote] > From what little I have read Zbuffering should only occur when multiple=

> objects overlap each other at common points of 3D space.
[View Quote]

Import objects from other servers

Sep 7, 1998, 4:35am
What the fuck are you babbling about now, snatch?

[View Quote] > So, tell me Eep=B2...which do you change more often...your ISP or your =
underwear? :)
[View Quote]

Import objects from other servers

Sep 7, 1998, 12:57pm
Exactly. Plus I try to find the free month deals. I mean it's bad enough =
I don't get my full modem throughput (33.6K). And I don't get sustained 2=
8.8K throughput either. But I must say Sprint (before they merged with Ea=
rthlink) was the best ISP so far out of AOL, a local startup, Pac Bell, a=
nd Netcom, that I've tried.

[View Quote] > hey! whats wrong with changing your isp? I've changed mine 4 times in =
the past 6
> months... my feeling is, if they don't offer me the quality of connecti=
on i want, there
> are plenty of others out there that will...
[View Quote]

Re: Clickable URL's & Teleports on Chatscreen

Sep 9, 1998, 8:00pm
It's been on The List=99 for at least a year now. Who knows what milleniu=
m it'll get implemented, if ever. Roland's working on bots <twirl finger>=
instead of working on more BASIC UI probs...<shrug> That's COF's agenda =
fer ya...

[View Quote] > Mirc and other clients "capture" an URL so that it can be easily
> accessed.
> Alot of times in high traffic areas when coords are typed on the
> chatscreen (and URL's), they scroll up so fast you either have
> to keep scrolling back to copy or teleport to an empty location
> to keep the chatscreen from scrolling further while copying.
> Please, please, figure a way to either capture the url and teleport
> or click on it to activate.

Clickable URL's & Teleports on Chatscreen

Sep 22, 1998, 10:48pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Sounds good. Ask Roland for The List™—it should have all the planned features on it. I'll gladly test any improvements made to AW. Why don't you just work for COF as a freelance programmer instead though? They need all the help they can get...

[View Quote] > OK, ppl.. here's my situation.... since an accident did me in and gives me
> lots of time to either find something to do or go crazy.. I have ben working
> on several programs and projects related to the AW/OW environment.
> Why does this matter? Because I program well and like challenges. If I
> post programs here to assist with AW, such as catching URL, etc.... would
> anyone care to beta-test them? Of course, I would release source code, since
> most are rightfully paranoid about hackers, etc.
> I have been trying to follow the wishlist ng for a while and compile list
> of things that I have not already started to address. Basically, I would need
> a concise set of things to make and if ppl are willing to beta-test them when
> the time comes.... if ppl seem to respond well to this, I shall soon set up a
> webpage to register for beta-testing and get basic system info.. to know what
> I might be dealing with <hates Win98,btw>.
> If anyone is interested.... might someone help compile a list of
> features? I do not desire to read the 1400 posts in this ng to get the whole
> picture. Many thanks.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
Sounds good. Ask Roland for The List™—it should have all the planned features
on it. I'll gladly test any improvements made to AW. Why don't you just
work for COF as a freelance programmer instead though? They need all the
help they can get...
[View Quote] --------------F744181374D32D2CAA35D4D8--

Zipped BMPs

Sep 10, 1998, 12:59pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

JPGs are a lossy compression format. Zipped BMPs would be a better way to go since BMPs aren't lossy and would still be compressed. Plus the mask could be zipped in the same ZIP, requiring only one call for textures, instead of 2. And the JPG wouldn't have to be converted back to BMP in order to work for most viewers (except Modeler, which is intelligent enough to read both formats, as well as zipped RWXs).

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
JPGs are a lossy compression format. Zipped BMPs would be a better way
to go since BMPs aren't lossy and would still be compressed. Plus the mask
could be zipped in the same ZIP, requiring only one call for textures,
instead of 2. And the JPG wouldn't have to be converted <B>back</B> to
BMP in order to work for most viewers (except Modeler, which is intelligent
enough to read both formats, as well as zipped RWXs).</HTML>


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