:: Activeworlds' Largest Community Resource

April 2019 Update & Archiving

In the middle of 2019, Activeworlds, Inc made changes to their server software configuration that cut off the ability for interactive tools to access the vast majority of information related to the AW Universe.

This seemed specifically aimed at disrupting the ability of awportals to provide visitors with information on the total number of online users and the number of new registrations, which had been dropping consistently.

As a consequence of this change, several other features which relied on this data, such as event calendars and games, were knocked offline.

It was decided at that point that it was not an efficient use of time to try and fight the ever-increasing restrictions aimed at hindering the visibility of the AW Universes' unfortunate decline, and I announced that awportals and its remaining services would be placed into a read-only state and archived.

Big thanks to everyone who enjoyed the site!,
2006 - 2019


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